Analog Devices' webinar: Designing system power using LTPowerCAD®

OnDemand Webinar | (Dated: Wednesday, January 31, 2024)

Duration: 1 hour

LTpowerCAD is a complete power supply design tool that significantly eases the power supply design process. Within LTpowerCAD, there is a power system layout tool, LTpowerPlanner® , which helps with system architecture design, and LTpowerCAD, which assists with individual converter solution design and optimization. This presentation will give a brief overview of LTpowerCAD but will mainly focus on the use of LTpowerCADto design and optimize switching converter design.

Attendees will also learn about:

  • LTpowerPlanner’s use to layout a power design tree
  • How to use LTpowerCAD to identify components for each socket in that tree
  • Design and optimization of a power solution using LTpowerCAD
  • Exporting and simulating in LTpowerCAD




Image of the seminar speakerSPEAKER
Kenneth Armijo - Application Engineer
Joined Analog Devices in 2022 as an Associate Engineer in Central Applications, Kenneth Armijo holds two bachelor’s degrees from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Electrical Engineering and Robotics Engineering, as well as a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering. He specializes in the design and implementation of power management circuits, mainly switching regulators.

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