AudioSmart™ 2-mic Development Kit for Amazon AVS | Product Specs and Insights

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The AudioSmart™ 2-mic dev kit from Conexant gives your embedded design the power of Amazon Alexa voice recognition technology. We break down the specs and tell you all about it.

The Audio-Smart™ 2-mic is designed to make it easier for manufacturers and developers to quickly build smart home device prototypes that offer an ideal voice user experience.

The kit comes with the evaluation board pre-flashed with firmware, a microphone module with two omnidirectional mics, microphone holder board, stereo 3.5 mm male-to-male audio cable, micro-USB cable, Type A to Type B USB cable, colored wires and a +5V power supply to turn everything on.

At the heart of the kit is Conexant’s CX20921 Voice Input Processor with embedded hands-free voice processing technology. It comes preloaded with Alexa™ wake word technology which means that it can turn itself on with the correct command. Its smart source pickup consists of two microphones, and the board can also support digital or analog mics. The noise suppression is robust with regards to stationary and semi-stationary noises, making it easy to detect voice and cancel noise from all directions around the device.

You can use this dev board for applications that include home smart appliances, lighting solutions, thermostats or a speaker bar. We paired it with a Raspberry Pi 3 to quickly and easily create a complete AVS project. See how we did it here.

Check back in to for more product insights, including highlights on the latest dev kits like the AudioSmart 2-mic.



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