CES 2019 Recap

The 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) took place January 8-11 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Arrow once again had its booth set up at the world’s largest stage for technology innovation — right in the heart of Eureka Park.

Arrow Electronics CES 2019 Recap | Create, Make and Manage

Welcome to CES 2019 with Arrow Electronics -- this year, we are going to learn how to Create, Make, and Mange technology.

In Eureka Park, this is where all of the innovators are. This is where all of the hottest companies are.

The buzz today in Eureka Park is "Have you seen Arrow? Have you seen their presence?". I mean, you can feel it!

For any other budding entrepreneurs in the tech space, the first thing that you should do is engage with Arrow. The whole tech ecosystem is so much broader than just a good idea. You know, the execution piece -- where the rubber meats the road -- Arrow has been instrumental to us, across the board, in that area. 

We see entrepreneurs from small enterprises, startups, right way through to the largest conglomerate organizations in the world. No where else can you do that in this kind of time frame.

The crowd keeps getting bigger and bigger! 

We collaborated with Arrow to build the next generation version of our wearable speech-recognition computer. 

Customers are learning about how Arrow is not just a component supplier, not just a distributor, but really enabling these companies to bring their visions to life.

Hardware innovation is going to be as fast as software innovation. Its getting faster and faster. New products come to market, the lead times are shortening, all of these things are really exciting. 

Create is the design aspect.
Make is the volume aspect.
and Manage is when everything is connected online. 

When you have an idea, we will help you get to the finish.

Today was really about being able to see and touch what we have been talking about for years now, and I think that really resonated with our investing community today. It was a great, great day. 

Being in this epicenter of innovation is absolutely thrilling.

It is about bringing innovation to life and making the world a better place.

Right now, there are probably thousands of businesses and new products that are being born inside of this booth that we are going to see at next years CES. It is going to be incredible. 

We have spent an amazing week learning about how Arrow helps its customers Create, Make and Manage technology. We will see you next year!


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