Common mode chokes are an integral part of most electronic circuitry as they prevent potential failures by filtering out high-frequency noise from power sources. Learn more about the variety of EPCOS Common Mode Chokes, their applications, and specifications in this video by TDK.
High frequency noises from switch-mode power supplies can cause interference and failure of other electronic devices sharing the same power source. Common mode chokes filter and suppress the conducted switching and radio frequency (RF) through AC power lines and parasitic capacitance to ground.
EPCOS Common Mode Chokes by TDK offer a variety of globally recognized and supported products ranging from low to high currents for all of your applications, including power supplies, motor drives, inverters, and ballasts. Design without custom components and select from a broad product line that includes vertical and horizontal mounting options, a current rating range of 0.3 to 62 Amps (A), an inductance rating range of 0.2 to 100 mH, a direct current resistance (DCR) range of .1 mW to 4.6 W., and a voltage rating range of 250 to 1000 V AC.
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