Get to Know STSPIN32F0 Series: Advanced Brushless DC Motor Drivers with Embedded 32-bit MCU

Learn more about STMicroelectronics' advanced BLDC controller with embedded STM32 MCU. The STSPIN32F0 is a System-In-Package providing an integrated solution suitable for driving three-phase BLDC motors using different driving modes.

It embeds a triple half-bridge gate driver able to drive power MOSFETs or IGBTs with a current capability of 600 mA (sink and source). The high- and low-side switches of same half-bridge cannot be simultaneously driven high thanks to an integrated interlocking function.

An internal DC/DC buck converter provides the 3.3 V voltage suitable to supply both the MCU and external components. An internal LDO linear regulator provides the supply voltage for gate drivers.

The integrated operational amplifiers are available for the signal conditioning of the analog Hall-effect sensors and the shunt resistor signal.

A comparator with a programmable threshold is integrated to perform the overcurrent protection.

The integrated MCU (STM32F031C6 with extended temperature range, suffix 7 version) allows performing field-oriented control, the 6-step sensorless and other advanced driving algorithm including the speed control loop. It has the write-protection and read-protection feature for the embedded Flash memory to protect against unwanted writing and/or reading.

The STSPIN32F0 device also features overtemperature and undervoltage lockout protections and can be put in the standby mode to reduce the power consumption. The device provides 16 general-purpose I/O ports (GPIO) with the 5 V tolerant capability, one 12-bit analog-to-digital converter with up to 9 channels performing conversions in a single-shot or scan modes, 5 synchronizable general-purpose timers and supports an easy to use debugging serial interface (SWD).

Key Features

  • Extended operating voltage from 8 to 45 V
  • Three-phase gate drivers
    • 600 mA sink/source
    • Integrated bootstrap diodes
    • Cross-conduction prevention
  • 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0 core:
    • Up to 48 MHz clock frequency
    • 4-kByte SRAM with HW parity
    • 32-kByte Flash memory with option bytes used for write/readout protection
  • 3.3. V DC/DC buck converter regulator with overcurrent, short-circuit, and thermal protection
  • 12 V LDO linear regulator with thermal protection
  • 16 general-purpose I/O ports (GPIO)
  • 5 general-purpose timers
  • 12-bit ADC converter (up to 9 channels)
  • I2C, USART and SPI interfaces
  • 4 rail-to-rail operation amplifiers for signal conditioning
  • Comparator for overcurrent protection with programmable threshold
  • 3FG open-drain output providing the decoded result of 3 Hall sensors inputs
  • Standby mode for low power consumption
  • UVLO protection on each power supply:
    • VM, VDD, VREG and VBOOTx
  • On-chip debug support via SWD
  • Extended temperature range: -40 to +125 °C

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