Getting Started with the 3D Time of Flight (ToF) Evaluation Kit from Analog Devices and Arrow

3D Time of Flight technology is gaining traction for a variety of applications requiring real-time depth mapping. Primary use cases include industrial safety and automation, autonomous guided vehicles, object detection and classification, virtual and augmented realities, and drones.

3D Time of Flight creates a depth mapping of objects within the field of view and is a key solution used for developing digital vision. This development platform comes with everything a user needs to start working immediately on 3DToF applications.

Watch this video from Analog Devices and see how simple it is to get started with the 3D Time of Flight (ToF) Evaluation Kit.

Related Content

- Read about how, as Time of Flight technology matures, Time of Flight Cameras are Gaining Traction.
- Also – watch this video to learn more about the 3D Imaging Time of Flight Development Platform.

Proof of Concept - Cutting Edge Baby Monitor:

Watch this video to see how Arrow and Analog Devices' 3DToF technology can be used to impact the next generation of technology in this use case scenario.



How Arrow and Analog Devices Can Get You to Market Faster with 3D Time of Flight Technology



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