Introducing HARTING har­-flexicon®

When it comes to PCB connectors, HARTING has what you need.

Har­-flexicon® is HARTING's answer to the growing trend towards the miniaturization and reflow-soldering connection technology present in PCB connections. The Har­-flexico product family has been designed for the toolless connection of single wires and the SMT/SMC-reflow-soldering process. To learn more, watch the video above. 

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HARTING Blocchi terminali connettore Visualizza

Starting at just 7x8mm amplified basic pressure sensors are among the smallest in their class.  That’s only the beginning of the advantages of your product.  The ABP series comes with amplified compensated digital or analog output, easy to incorporate on your board.  Even in thermal extremes these sensors stay tough, enhancing up time.  You’ll also appreciate their high accuracy, which minimizes calibration needs.  ABP sensors offer lots of flexibility for your designs as well.  With a wide pressure range, low power consumption, wet liquid media compatibility and more.  You can plug them into a variety of applications, including devices for the growing internet of things.  Just as important, they are economically priced, saving you not just board space, but costs in your next project. 

Bringing you performance, precision, flexibility, discover the small wonder of ABP series sensors, only from Honeywell.

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