eInfochips Image Tuning for Computer Vision Applications

Computer vision is an area of great opportunity in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. In this video, find out how to optimize a computer vision system for varied applications.

There are numerous challenges to solve when developing a computer vision system, which can involve:

  • •  Complexity with scaling
  • •  KPI definition for tuning
  • •  Model training and dataset
  • •  Performance
  • •  Accuracy
  • •  Privacy & ethics

Luckily, there are companies like eInfochips and Arrow that work constantly to develop solutions for the above problems. These can include:

  • •  Performance optimization with hardware and software accelerators
  • •  Definition of key quality parameters
  • •  Definition of AI & ML end goals
  • •  Extensive test & tuning datasets
  • •  Market conditions insights

In the design cycle of a computer vision system, there is a fairly clearly defined development flow:

  • 1.  Selection of optics, including glass quality and focal parameters
  • 2.  Optics sensor selection
  • 3.  Data Bus selection and support
  • 4.  ISP/SoC platform selection, which varies based on the specific demands of the system
  • 5.  Software-based image tuning

In each of these steps, there are quite a few selections to make, with regards to hardware and software. How is it possible to make sense of it all, though? Click through to the video for more in-depth information.

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