Make, Fix and Detect Change with Vishay Sfernice Products

Vishay Sfernice offers an extensive portfolio of potentiometers, trimmers and sensors that are used worldwide to make, fix and detect change. There are several new and innovative Vishay Sfernice products available that will continue to help you manage change.

Vishay Sfernice, solutions for the continuum of change. Change occurs in every area of every industry. The need to create or detect change is happening every day, hour and minute. Potentiometers, trimmers, and sensors are used everywhere in the world and Vishay Sfernice offers products from basic trimmers to sophisticated customizable potentiometers and sensors.

From lower end to high end, each family is designed to meet the specific market and application conditions and requirements. Offering a wide range of linear or rotational potentiometers in wirewound, conductive plastic, cermet or membrane technology with single or multi-turn configurations. The P16 is a revolutionary concept for panel mounted potentiometers.

A fully integrated, single device knob and potentiometer with a built-in switch function. Sfernice potentiometers are suitable for many applications including off-road vehicle panels, industrial panels, medical syringe pumps, military and avionic overhead panels. We also offer customization and value added services for connectors, wires, and assemblies.

Sfernice also offers a broad range of trimmer solutions built with either wirewound or cermet technology. The T93 is one of the most popular and versatile trimmers in the industry. With wide ohmic value range, fully sealed design and a temperature range from -55 degrees C up to 155 degrees C.

Sfernice trimmers are used in a wide range of applications including instrumentation equipment, precision measurements, avionics, medical, amplifiers, and industrial instrumentation. Sfernice offers linear and rotational sensors built with either wirewound, cermet, magnetic or membrane technology. And they can be contact or contactless parts.

Integrated kits are available for these sensors offered at a wide range of price points and can be suited for high integration applications. The UIPMA is a low cost membrane sensor that translates the movement of the wiper into a change in output voltage and is offered in linear or rotational versions. Absolute Magnetic Encoders offer unique technology designed to convert with high precision the mechanical angular position into analog or digital electrical output signals.

The RAME027 sensor provides some unique capabilities. It has an absolute accuracy of +/- 0.33% at 25 degree C, 12 bit high resolution and endurance life of 50 million rotations. Vishay Sfernice sensors are ideal for automotive, off-road vehicles, medical, mining, alternative energy, military, and avionics applications.

All of Vishay Sfernice products provide long endurance life, superior accuracy, exceptional linearity, high precision, and are offered in a wide range of package sizes and configurations. Vishay Sfernice is your perfect partner to support a continuum of change.

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