Product Insight: Panasonic Polymer Capacitors

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Recent growth in various industries and increasing raw material costs has led to a void in supply for a variety of passive components, with the most severe shortage being Ceramic Capacitors. With an increased demand for passive components from the automotive, consumer, and IoT sectors, finding the right product readily available is becoming increasingly difficult.

As a solution, we have created a list of several capacitor families from Panasonic that are alternatives to classic multilayer ceramic capacitors.

The Surface mount, SP-Cap™ family from Panasonic is a conductive polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitor family that boasts several sub-series. The SP-Cap™ EEF-LX Series features low ESR and ESL specifications and boast large capacitance configurations.

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The EEF-CX Series features a low-profile footprint and is capable of high voltages.  The OS-CON™ family of capacitors are Aluminum polymer solid caps, that come in a large variety of configurations and either SMD and radial lead termination styles.

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The SVP series has several different size, voltage, and capacitance configurations that make them perfect for switching power supply designs. 

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Panasonic Condensatore in alluminio polimerico Visualizza

The SVPD sub-series is guaranteed at 125C for 2000 hours and is intended for high voltage applications and is a subset of the SVP series.

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And as another sub-series, SXV products are intended for super high voltage applications and can withstand 125C for 1000 hours.  

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Panasonic Condensatore in alluminio polimerico Visualizza

If you prefer switching to conductive polymer tantalum solid capacitors, Panasonic also offers the POSCAP™ series featuring such technology.  Their TPC Series has a low-profile of standard capacitance values ranging from 10-330 uF at voltages in between 6.3 and 12.5 V. 

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Panasonic Condensatore polimerico al tantalio Visualizza

If your design requires higher voltages, consider their TQC series which range from 16 to 35VDC capabilities.  

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Panasonic Condensatore polimerico al tantalio Visualizza

Panasonic has a very extensive product offering with a variety of capacitor technology options that can keep your production moving in the right direction.

Read More:

A Polymer Capacitors - An Optimal Replacement for MLCC

Understanding Polymer and Hybrid Capacitors 


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