Panasonic Light Touch Switches: Features, Applications & More

Tactile switches are so prevalent in the electronics applications we use on a day-to-day basis that they are often seen as minor components in design. Panasonic offers designers a robust line of light touch switches with various direction, push position and size types to give your applications just the right switch feel.

All their switches are very well constructed, offering superior tactile feel with a high click ratio as well as various push force and travel distance options in the finished switch. They are ideal for technologies that are regularly used outside, especially if they are compact. In fact, what really sets these Panasonic solutions apart from other switches is their size; Panasonic switches are the smallest in the industry, and yet many of them are ruggedized to make them more impervious to harsh environments.

Depending on your application, the type of switch you need will vary. Let’s go through a few of Panasonic’s solutions and their target applications.

Panasonic side push type switches are well suited to wearable electronics like fitness devices or GPS trackers. They benefit from the industry’s highest peel-off strength, so if the switch sustains any impact, it won’t peel off the board.

Panasonic also offers various push type switches. Their metal dome switches with short travel distances, for example, are great for portable devices like smartphones. These devices typically require switches with a relatively shorter travel distance for maximum responsiveness.

Home appliances or lighting control applications benefit from Panasonic’s middle travel distance types that offer ideal touch and sensitivity for electronics you’d find around the home.

Automotive applications, on the other hand, generally need switches with longer travel distances so that users don’t accidentally activate them while driving. Panasonic’s rubber dome switches with long travel require users to apply the optimum amount of force for these types of applications.

Finally, double action metal dome switches offer the ideal touch functionality for shutter switches used in digital still cameras, camcorders and other recording devices.

Shop the ideal Panasonic light touch switch for your next application at, or check out the corresponding article to explore in depth the other benefits and features these solutions have to offer.



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