Protect, Control, and Sense with Littelfuse

Littelfuse Protect-Control-Sense products

Littlefuse is a name synonymous with circuit protection.  Our extensive technical expertise, constant push for innovation, and unmatched portfolio of circuit protection products has driven us to become the preferred brand for leading manufacturers around the world.  Our products are used extensively in consumer electronics, automobiles, commercial vehicles, and industrial equipment.  Littlefuse is never standing still.  We are constantly strategizing, researching, and adapting to an always adapting industry. 

As new trends appear or old ones evolve we are ready to jump on opportunities to grow our business in exciting new directions.  Now is the time for Littlefuse to lead these new trends and move to extend our reach, even deeper, into the electronics industry.  Our latest endeavor is summed up in three words, PROTECT, CONTROL, and SENSE.

Leveraging a global leadership position in circuit protection, Littlefues is becoming a powerful force in the power control and sensing markets.  These growth areas provide a massive opportunity for us to maintain our position in circuit protection while growing our core business to provide an extended range of solutions to customers.

To streamline our entry into these markets and fortify our ability to protect, control, and sense, Littlefuse has made a number of exciting acquisitions of strong industry players to exponentially expand our existing expertise, innovative ideas, and portfolio to new heights and give us a tremendous head start in our push forward to become a major player in the power control and sensing industry.  
To learn more about Littlefuse and our vision for the future visit

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