Support For Your IoT Project From AT&T and Arrow

As the official mobile connectivity provider of the Arrow Certification Program, AT&T can provide tools and resources to help entrepreneurs build their connected devices.

A lot of people think inside the box, but you think way out there. Which is why you very well may have the next big IoT idea that could really take off. And while your idea may connect perfectly in here, you may need some more connections out there. Fortunately, as the official mobile connectivity provider of the Arrow Certification Program, AT&T can provide you with the tools and resources you need to help bring your IoT product to market.

Select entrepreneurs in the program can qualify for a share of $250,000 worth of Flash Funding opportunities from Arrow and AT&T. They will also have access to AT&T’s cellular networks, including:

  • 4G LTE
  • 5G
  • LTE-M
  • NB-IoT (recently launched)

Your IoT product could even be sold in select AT&T retail stores and online. To get the support you need, connect with the experts at Arrow, Indiegogo and AT&T. Just click on the link below to join the Arrow Certification Program today. It could be your ticket to bigger success, tomorrow.

Join the Arrow Certification Program now!


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