The Smart Home EFR32 IoT Gateway

Home automation is a growth market with fast changing technology and industry landscape. Make home automation and environmental sensing easy with the EFR32 IoT Gateway reference design.

Learn how to leverage the Works With Controller from Arrow, Silicon Labs and AWS, to simplify development for an IoT Gateway and sensor solution for home automation and deliver the ease of use that your customer expects.

Wireless Design Elements

Five elements constitute the core of any wireless development process – embedded software/firmware development, hardware design, application development, cloud engineering, and security implementation.  All these elements must be well integrated and require deep expertise.  It is not uncommon that the wireless development process can take up to a year to complete, and each stage bringing special hurdles to overcome.

0920 - Wireless Design Elements 

Implementing Smart Home Development

Smart Home Technology deployments can be cumbersome and time-consuming. contributing to the complexity are several key factors. They include:

Integration: Many different domains, protocols and technologies need to be seamlessly integrated for optimal outcomes

Rapid innovation cycles: Technology is changing at a frenetic pace and products/services need to keep pace

Scale and management: Smart Home deployments need to leverage cloud models and scale to any size

Underlying technology: Open connectivity standards, AI/ML, natural language processing, object/context recognition, etc, driving new efficiencies in applications expertise to cope with these technology foundations is essential

Cost to build & service: Service providers and OEMs need to optimize costs for product development, manufacturing and operations

Silicon Labs is a proven partner for developers of smart devices and gateways, offering decades of wireless experience in Bluetooth ®, Zigbee®, Thread, Z-Wave, Sub-GHz, and Wi-Fi® technologies.  Combined with Silicon Labs IoT expertise and TE’s sensors for Audio, CO2, VOC, Humidity, Light, Motion PIR, and Temperature,  the EFR32 IoT Gateway was developed running on AWS.


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