The New Quazar Family from Mosys Part 2

In Part 2 of this intro to the Quazar Family of products, Mark Baumann, Director of Product Definition and Applications at MoSys, Inc., compares the unique architecture of the Multi-Partition-Rate devices from MoSys to current market QDR devices. Learn more about why these devices are an ideal for replacement and enhancement of present day QDR applications.

The cell design that MoSys has chosen to use in the Quazar product line uses an embedded DRAM design. Benefits include a reduced driver size, lower power, faster speed and a solution that is approximately 53% larger than the EDRAM cell.

Body Image 1-MoSys New Quazar Family Part 2

Because of the unique Quad Partition structure of MSQ devices, and the fact that during each FPGA clock cycle the MSQ device will access all 4 partitions in a TDM fashion, each partition must complete the memory access in the specified Trc associated with the associated FPGA clock rate. This must also be done within that clock time for access to occur in each of the 4 partitions. This results in 4 independent access points in one FPGA clock cycle.

This unique partitioning and round robin access pattern allows for the flexibility and increased bandwidth over SRAM like QDR.

The next innovation in the MoSys memory architecture is the division of the memory array into Quad Partitions. A partition in the case is either a 2M x 72 (144Mb) in the case of the MSQ220 or 4M x72 (288Mb) in the case of the MSQ230. This is equivalent to the density of the present QDR devices. Since the MoSys device has 4 partitions, it is equivalent to 4 QDR devices in one package.

In addition to the density, the bus structure allows each partition to be accessed as a fully independent memory structure or as part of a unified memory. This enables the user to access 4 independent 72-bit words, one in each of the 4 partitions, from each of the GCI ports.


The unique architecture of the MoSys Multi-Partition-Rate devices offers users SRAM-like access to a next generation memory. This device offers bandwidth, speed, and availability, with a solid roadmap to increased functionality. These devices are ideal for replacement and enhancement of present day QDR applications.

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