Ferri embedded storage solutions: unsurpassed data integrity

Is your team developing the next generation of automotive, industrial, embedded or portable electronics? Embedded storage is a customer expectation, and it should deliver robust data protection, high reliability, temperature stability and customizability. In this video, discover the Ferri family of embedded storage solutions from Silicon Motion, combining industry-leading technology & components into compact packages.


FerriSSD is optimally designed for a wide range of automotive, embedded, enterprise, and data center applications requiring faster access speed, small flexible form factor, and reliable PCIe NVMe/SATA/PATA storage. By combining industry proven controller technology, NAND flash, and passive components into a small single BGA package–FerriSSD simplifies design efforts and reduces time-to-market while protecting from NAND technology migration concerns.


Ferri-UFS is a highly integrated solution that combines a feature-wise, UFS2.1/3.1-compliant flash controller with standard NAND flash memory. Its high-performance storage accessibility, exceptional power efficiency, and ease of system design make the Ferri-UFS an ideal solution for automotive, industrial, embedded, and portable applications.


Ferri-eMMC is optimally designed for a wide range of industrial embedded and automotive applications and is fully compliant to the JEDEC standards for eMMC* 4.5/5.0/5.1 protocols. Available in 100/153-ball BGA packages, Ferri-eMMC eases PCB design and enables low-cost manufacturing.

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