Go to Market Faster with New 3D Time of Flight Algorithms from Analog Devices

Your ability to get 3D Time of Flight applications to market faster, just took off. That’s because Analog Devices and Arrow Electronics teamed up to make your development process faster and easier than ever.


Time of Flight Product Development Solutions

Built on industry standard 96Boards form factor, the AD-96TOF1-EBZ ToF development platform, provides a full system level design including a hardware platform, a complete software development kit (SDK), additional collateral and application examples. The hardware design can be easily built into proof of concepts for a wide range of applications using different 96Boards processor platforms as well as industry standard development platforms such as Raspberry Pi and Nvidia Jetson Nano, Xavier AGX or Xavier NX.

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Analog Devices Kit e schede di sviluppo sensori Visualizza

Application Specific Software Modules and Engineering Services


People and Objects Detection

Vision, for both humans and machines, is about being able to detect and recognize objects for the purpose of reacting to the surrounding environment. Recognizing people, measuring their position relative to the camera and other objects in the scene and tracking their movement has many applications, including automatic door control, occupancy sensing, activity sensing, collaborative and service robots, COVID-19 contagion containment by social distancing monitoring     

Based on AI technologies, the following licensable software modules constitute the core of any 3D vision based application for people detection and monitoring.


The software modules are accompanied by a set of associated engineering services provided by Analog Devices together with Arrow Electronics and regional partner companies.


Volumetric measurement

Humans can visually estimate distances and object sizes based on previous experience, but so can machines and devices equipped with 3D vision. The ability to accurately measure the size of a box regardless of its orientation and relative position to the camera is useful in logistics and industrial applications, such as cargo-space optimization for shipping companies, space optimization for transport and in storage businesses and warehousing, box sorting for industrial applications, box shape and dimension check for quality control, palletizing robots, and box fill-level sensing for automated packing lines. Automating box measurement in these applications can translate into millions of dollars saved annually by, for example, transporting full loads to reduce the number of trips, and maximizing storage space in warehouses     

Based on advanced computer vision algorithms the following licensable software modules constitute the core of any 3D vision based application for volumetric measurement.


The software modules are accompanied by a set of associated engineering services provided by Analog Devices together with Arrow Electronics and regional partner companies.


For more information about getting access to any of the software solutions or engineering services please contact your local Analog Devices or Arrow FAE.


Robotics.AI (robotics-ai.org) – complete vision based solutions and engineering services focusing on artificial intelligence algorithms.

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