Power the electric vehicle revolution with digital isolation

The number of electric vehicles is increasing rapidly, and Skyworks offers industry leading automotive isolation solutions for on-board chargers, battery management systems, charging stations, and traction control and inverters.

EV-application block diagram-updated

Battery Management Systems (BMS)

BMS are used to monitor and control power storage systems, assure health of battery cells, and deliver power to vehicle systems. Isolation products have numerous uses inside BMS in the electrical domains of EVs or Hybrid Electric Vehicles.

Family Purpose Family Purpose
Si86xx System Communication Si893x Amplifier for Current Shunt Measurement*
Si88xx Communication with power transfer Si894x Delta-Sigma Modulator for Current Shunt Measurement*
Si892x Amplifier for Voltage Measurement






On Board Chargers (OBC)

The on-board charger (OBC) system is responsible for converting a standard ac charging source into a dc voltage used to charge the battery pack in the vehicle in addition to other key functions including voltage monitoring and protection.

Family Purpose Family Purpose
Si86xx System Communication Si8239x FET driver with enhanced safety features
Si88xx Communication with power transfer Si823Hx FET driver with 4A drive strength and high CMTI
Si823x FET driver in switch & sync blocks Si827x High CMTI Driver for SiC and GaN FETs in sync FET block
Si8931 Voltage measurement amplifier* Si892x/4x Current shunt sense amplifiers with digital or analog output







DC-DC Converters

DC-DC converters are used to convert dc voltages from one voltage domain to another for powering various auxiliary systems. These functions require galvanic isolation to separate control systems from high-voltage domains.

Family Purpose Family Purpose
Si86xx System Communication Si8239x FET driver with enhanced safety features
Si88xx Communication with power transfer Si823Hx FET driver with 4A drive strength and high CMTI
Si823x FET driver in switch & sync blocks Si827x High CMTI Driver for SiC and GaN FETs in sync FET block
Si828x IGBT driver with integrated dc-dc Si8931 Isolated Voltage Sensor*







Traction Inverters

Traction inverters are used to convert stored dc high voltage from a battery or dc bus link into multi-phase ac power for driving a traction motor. In addition, traction inverters perform functions such as voltage boosting, switch protection, and regenerative braking support. All these functions require galvanic isolation to separate control systems from high voltage domains.

Family Purpose Family Purpose
Si86xx System Communication Si8239x FET driver with enhanced safety features
Si88xx Communication with power transfer Si823Hx FET driver with 4A drive strength and high CMTI
Si823x FET driver in switch & sync blocks Si827x High CMTI Driver for SiC and GaN FETs in sync FET block
Si828x IGBT driver with Inverted Block Si826x MOSFET/Sic FET driver with diode input









*Currently sampling. Please contact your Arrow sales representative.

View Skyworks' full isolation line here.


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