VEML6030 Ambient Light Sensor Light to Digital

Discover VEML6030, a high-performance digital ambient light sensor from Vishay. This 16-bit sensor responds to light just as the human eye would, and it integrates advantageous features such as an ambient light sensing photodiode and Filtron™ on-chip coating. VEML6030, a sensor in a class of its own, is well suited to automated lighting controls, keypad backlights, and indicator lights, to name a few applications.

The Optoelectronics group of Vishay Semiconductor has introduced a digital ambient light sensor called the VEML6030.  For the next few minutes I will highlight the key features and applications for this sensor.

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On a single chip, the VEML6030 includes an ambient light sensing photodiode and all the signal processing circuitry for it to be read by a microcontroller via I2C interface.  The sensor has 16 bit resolution which can deliver up to 0.005 lux per count.  It features our patented Filtron on-chip coating for maximum performance and allows the user to program upper and lower thresholds to avoid constant polling by a microcontroller.

The goal of any ambient light sensor is to respond to light just like you would.  This means that the sensor has to have the same sensitivity as the human eye which is the V(lamda) graph.  Most discrete photodetectors and ambient light sensors deviate from the v-lambda curve under different light sources. They either have wider sensitivity within the blue region or they do not stay at zero for near infrared wavelengths.

As you can see in the graph, the VEML6030 exactly follows the v(λ) curve.

There are a lot of different light sources:  CFL, halogen, LED light, fluorescent light, and normal daylight.  The output of an ambient light sensor should be nearly the same for all of them when they are producing the same lux output.  The VEML6030 shows very good matching for all light sources.  Only a halogen lamp may show deviations greater than +/- 10%

The output of an ambient light sensor should also be linear so as it get brighter, the output or number of counts stays consistent.  The VEML6030 has excellent linearity to 20 kilolux and beyond.

The VEML6030 can be used to adjust the backlight of any LCD display:  TVs, Smartphones, Notebook PCs, ATM machines, thermostats, clocks, any display

It will play a key role in automated lighting controls used to not only turn on or off lights but to control the intensity.  It will also be used to control window blinds or shades

Any keypad backlight will use the VEML6030.  Indicator lights behind switches will have optimal brightness with the VEML6030

The URL for the datasheet is shown or you can go to our website and click on Optical Sensors where you can access our complete portfolio of analog digital sensors.  Samples are available now through any of our distributors. For support, you can send an e-mail to sensors tech support at

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