AVX Explores Passive and Active Charge Control Method Comparisons for Supercapacitors

Learn more about the comparisons and control methods used to consider supercapacitor demands in this white paper from AVX.

Careful consideration is required when circuit designs affect the energy storage of a charging supercapacitor. This is because the power handling increases more than the batteries of the device. And while it’s true that supercapacitors can take on larger currents with the help of electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLC), it’s also important to note that supercapacitors also have low ESR, which can make an uncharged device appear as a dead short — which in turn will draw maximum current in an effort to charge the device to its rated capacitance. This cause and effect can result in permeant failure or transient upset for the power source or system. Charge-limiting circuits are available to avoid this issue, but a high-level comparison of passive and active control methods can help determine which topology to implement. Learn more about the comparisons and control methods used to consider supercapacitor demands in this white paper from AVX.





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