Connect and Control IoT Applications

Arrow Electronics has announced the introduction of the SmartEverything family, a ready-to-use IoT hardware and software solution. The SmartEverything family consists of various boards built around wireless technologies targeting IoT applications.

The SmartEverything booklet gives an overview of the different boards.

Driver libraries enable fast and easy development using Atmel Studio or Arduino IDE. Arduino form factor makes it easy to have shields added on top of the SmartEverything board.

“In the world of Internet-of-Things the development doesn’t stop at the finished product itself. At Arrow we are able to give You end-to-end support and solution for your IoT projects from designing the end node sensors, through gateways, to the cloud. As a proof this, You can find some documentation on connecting your SmartEverything Fox board, a Sigfox enabled end device to IBM’s Watson IoT platform.

Lion (built around Microchip’s LoRa module), Fox (built around a Sigfox module from Telit) and Tiger (built around NXP’s KW41Z wireless MCU) boards are now available.”

Fox: User Guide, Schematics, BoMEvaluation Board License Agreement

Lion: User Guide, Schematics, BoMEvaluation Board License Agreement

LoRa Demo (Lion board)

Connecting Sigfox backend to Watson IoT Platform

Connecting a FOX device to Watson

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